An often requested feature for Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 package is the ability to vertically dodge points, lines and bars. There has long been a function to shift geoms to the side when the x-axis is categorical: position_dodge. However, no such function exists for vertical shifts when the y-axis is categorical. Hadley usually responds by saying… Continue reading

So far this year I have logged many miles in the air and on the rails. In between trips to Minneapolis and Boston I spent about a month traveling through India and Southeast Asia, mainly to conduct R courses in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for the likes of Intel, Micron, Celcom, Maxis, DBS and other… Continue reading

While we did our best to ensure that R for Everyone was error free, a few mistakes did slip into the book, both in code and text.  The following is a list of known mistakes that occur in some printings of the book. Section 4.2 on page 37 When showing that the assignment operator <-… Continue reading

Mapping Ever Larger Data with PostGIS, DuckDB, GeoArrow and at the 2024 R in Government and Public Sector Conference Fifteen Years of Data Science in NY at the 2024 New York R Conference Mapping Large Data at the 2023 R in Government and Public Sector Conference Model Shootout at the 2023 Data, Design, Development… Continue reading