New York Pizza

Jared P. Lander
Cornell Tech

February 5, 2014

What is New York Style?

What is New York Style?

What is New York Style?

What is New York Style?

Family Tree

Family Tree

Family Tree

Family Tree

Family Tree

Family Tree

The Data

Exploratory Data Analysis

Number of Reviews Histogram

# remove known outlier
pizza <- pizza[pizza$Name != "Otto Enoteca and Pizzeria", ]
ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey") + xlab("Number of Reviews")

Reviews by Area

ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey") + facet_wrap(~Area) + xlab("Number of Reviews")

Reviews by Fuel

ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey") + facet_wrap(~Fuel) + xlab("Number of Reviews") + ggtitle("Histogram by Fuel")
ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey") + facet_wrap(~Fuel, scales = "free_y") + xlab("Number of Reviews") + 
    ggtitle("Histogram by Fuel\nFree Scales")

Reviews by Fuel and Area

ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 10, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey") + facet_grid(Fuel ~ Area, scales = "free_y") + xlab("Number of Reviews")

Rating by Number of Reviews

ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Number.Reviews, y = Rating)) + geom_point() + xlab("Number of Reviews")
ggplot(pizza, aes(x = Rating)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5, fill = "grey", 
    color = "darkgrey")

Poisson Distribution

The Distribution

    Pr(X = k) = \frac{\lambda^ke^{-\lambda}}{k!}

    \lambda = E(X) = Var(X)


ggplot(pois, aes(x = x)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + facet_wrap(~Lambda) + 
    ggtitle("Probability Mass Function")


ggplot(pois, aes(x = x)) + geom_density(aes(group = Lambda, color = Lambda, 
    fill = Lambda), adjust = 4, alpha = 1/2) + scale_color_discrete() + scale_fill_discrete() + 
    ggtitle("Probability Mass Function")


Poisson Regression

    y_i \sim pois(\theta_i)

    \theta_i = e^{X_i\beta}

Back to Pizza

Fit the Model

poisModReg <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Fuel * Price, data = pizza, 
    family = poisson(link = "log"))
##                         Estimate Std. Error z value   Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)               3.8129    0.05903  64.588  0.000e+00
## AreaUptown                0.1832    0.02172   8.435  3.318e-17
## FuelGas                  -1.6387    0.06019 -27.224 3.379e-163
## FuelWood                 -0.7237    0.08885  -8.145  3.793e-16
## PriceExpensive           -0.5434    0.07919  -6.862  6.789e-12
## FuelGas:PriceExpensive    1.1140    0.08289  13.439  3.559e-41
## FuelWood:PriceExpensive   0.5420    0.10883   4.980  6.347e-07

Visualize the Coefficients

coefplot(poisModReg, sort = "mag")

Check Overdispersion

        z_i = \frac{y_i - \hat{y_i}}{sd(\hat{y_i})} = \frac{y_i - u_i\hat{\theta_i}}{\sqrt{u_i\hat{\theta_i}}}

    OD = \frac{1}{n - p}\sum_{i=1}^nz_i^2

z <- (pizza$Number.Reviews - poisModReg$fitted.values)/sqrt(poisModReg$fitted.values)
# Overdispersion Factor
## [1] 11.73
# Overdispersion p-value
pchisq(sum(z^2), poisModReg$df.residual)
## [1] 1

Fit Overdispersed Model

poisMod <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Fuel * Price, data = pizza, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
##                         Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)               3.8129    0.20215  18.861 2.319e-63
## AreaUptown                0.1832    0.07439   2.463 1.404e-02
## FuelGas                  -1.6387    0.20612  -7.950 8.525e-15
## FuelWood                 -0.7237    0.30427  -2.379 1.768e-02
## PriceExpensive           -0.5434    0.27119  -2.004 4.551e-02
## FuelGas:PriceExpensive    1.1140    0.28386   3.925 9.634e-05
## FuelWood:PriceExpensive   0.5420    0.37269   1.454 1.463e-01

Visualize the Coefficients

coefplot(poisMod, sort = "mag")

Visualize Overdispersed vs Corrected

coefplot(poisModReg, sort = "mag", title = "Regular Model")
coefplot(poisMod, sort = "mag", title = "Overdispersed")

Other Parameterizations

mod1 <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Price, data = pizza, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
mod2 <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ Fuel + Price, data = pizza, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
mod3 <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ Fuel * Price, data = pizza, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))
nullMod <- glm(Number.Reviews ~ 1, data = pizza, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"))

Goodness of Fit

Wald Test

    \frac{\hat{\theta} - \theta_0}{se(\hat{\theta})}

## Wald test
## Model 1: Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Fuel * Price
## Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ 1
##   Res.Df Df    F Pr(>F)    
## 1    636                   
## 2    642 -6 24.3 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Wald Test on Multiple Models

waldtest(poisMod, mod1, mod2, mod3, nullMod)
## Wald test
## Model 1: Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Fuel * Price
## Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Price
## Model 3: Number.Reviews ~ Fuel + Price
## Model 4: Number.Reviews ~ Fuel * Price
## Model 5: Number.Reviews ~ 1
##   Res.Df Df     F  Pr(>F)    
## 1    636                     
## 2    638 -2  9.33  0.0001 ***
## 3    639 -1  6.26  0.0126 *  
## 4    637  2  9.54 8.2e-05 ***
## 5    642 -5 27.93 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Drop-In Deviance Test

    d(y;\hat{\theta}) = 2\sum_{i}y_ilog(\frac{y_i}{\hat{\theta_i}})
Expect a drop of 2 for each additional parameter

## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model: quasipoisson, link: log
## Response: Number.Reviews
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##            Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev
## NULL                         642       7496
## Area        1      105       641       7391
## Fuel        2      872       639       6519
## Price       1      376       638       6143
## Fuel:Price  2      207       636       5936

Drop-In Deviance Test Multiple Models

anova(nullMod, mod2, mod1, mod3, poisMod)
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: Number.Reviews ~ 1
## Model 2: Number.Reviews ~ Fuel + Price
## Model 3: Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Price
## Model 4: Number.Reviews ~ Fuel * Price
## Model 5: Number.Reviews ~ Area + Fuel + Fuel * Price
##   Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance
## 1       642       7496            
## 2       639       6218  3     1278
## 3       638       6143  1       76
## 4       637       6007  1      136
## 5       636       5936  1       71


Fitted Values

pizza$Fitted <- poisMod$fitted.values
print(pizza[order(pizza$Fitted, decreasing = TRUE)[1:15], c("Fitted", "Rating", 
    "Name", "Area", "Price", "Number.Reviews", "Fuel")], row.names = FALSE)
##  Fitted Rating                      Name     Area     Price Number.Reviews Fuel
##   54.39    3.5            Angelo's Pizza   Uptown     Cheap             55 Coal
##   54.39    3.5           John's Pizzeria   Uptown     Cheap             33 Coal
##   54.39    4.0           John's Pizzeria   Uptown     Cheap             83 Coal
##   45.28    4.0 John's of Bleecker Street Downtown     Cheap             28 Coal
##   45.28    3.5                Lombardi's Downtown     Cheap             97 Coal
##   45.28    2.0      South Brooklyn Pizza Downtown     Cheap              3 Coal
##   31.58    4.5                   Patsy's   Uptown Expensive             10 Coal
##   31.58    3.5          Patsy's Pizzeria   Uptown Expensive             13 Coal
##   31.58    3.5          Patsy's Pizzeria   Uptown Expensive             32 Coal
##   31.58    3.5          Patsy's Pizzeria   Uptown Expensive             25 Coal
##   31.58    3.0                 Totonno's   Uptown Expensive             44 Coal
##   26.37    3.5               Sal's Pizza   Uptown     Cheap              4 Wood
##   26.34    4.0                  Al Forno   Uptown Expensive             47 Wood
##   26.34    3.5                 Bella Blu   Uptown Expensive             17 Wood
##   26.34    3.0                    Bricco   Uptown Expensive             16 Wood


Highest Ratings

print(pizza[order(pizza$Rating, decreasing = TRUE)[1:15], c("Rating", "Name", 
    "Area", "Price", "Number.Reviews", "Fuel")], row.names = FALSE)
##  Rating                       Name     Area     Price Number.Reviews Fuel
##     5.0            94 Deli & Salad Downtown     Cheap              1  Gas
##     5.0                       BB&R   Uptown     Cheap              1  Gas
##     5.0                Bella Maria Downtown     Cheap              2  Gas
##     5.0               Cafe Bonjour Downtown     Cheap              3  Gas
##     5.0                Energy Fuel Downtown     Cheap              2  Gas
##     5.0          Georgios Pizzeria Downtown     Cheap              2  Gas
##     5.0           Grandaisy Bakery   Uptown     Cheap              2  Gas
##     5.0               Italian Cafe   Uptown     Cheap              2  Gas
##     5.0 Mark's Pizzeria Restaurant Downtown     Cheap              1  Gas
##     5.0               Pronto Pizza Downtown     Cheap              1  Gas
##     5.0                 Roma Pizza Downtown Expensive              2  Gas
##     4.5      215 Cucina Napoletana Downtown     Cheap              5  Gas
##     4.5            Alia Restaurant Downtown Expensive              7  Gas
##     4.5           Best Of The West Downtown     Cheap              7  Gas
##     4.5                   Carmines Downtown     Cheap              1  Gas

Common Top Pizzerias

Di Fara
Joe’s Famous
John’s of Bleecker
Totonno’s (Coney Island)
Vinny Vincenz
Denino’s Pizzeria & Tavern
No. 28
L&B Spumoni Gardens
Patsy’s (East Harlem)
Nick’s Pizza
New York Pizza Suprema
Joe & Pat’s



  • Coal ovens attract large crowds and the higher prices are worth paying


  • Coal ovens attract large crowds and the higher prices are worth paying
  • The old adage about pizza is true: “Even when it’s bad, it’s still good.”


Slice/Serious Eats
Midtown Lunch
Revolution Analytics
NBC New York

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Jared P. Lander

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