After two years of writing and editing and proof reading and checking my book, R for Everyone is finally out!
There are so many people who helped me along the way, especially my editor Debra Williams, production editor Caroline Senay and the man who recruited me to write it in the first place, Paul Dix. Even more people helped throughout the long process, but with so many to mention I’ll leave that in the acknowledgements page.
Online resources for the book are available ( and will continue to be updated.
As of now the three major sites to purchase the book are Amazon, Barnes & Noble (available in stores January 3rd) and InformIT. And of course digital versions are available.
Jared Lander is the Chief Data Scientist of Lander Analytics a New York data science firm, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, Organizer of the New York Open Statistical Programming meetup and the New York and Washington DC R Conferences and author of R for Everyone.
Your book R for Everyone is so useful and nice, I like them especially from chapter 15. The charts you have drawn are a big help and you have beautifully explained the information the charts carry, thanks, I use your book and data to draw graphs for plant virus research, thanks. Samuel, Senior Scientist, Plant Virology Lab, Ind Inst of Hort Research, Bangalore India
I have a request, please consider writing an Advanced R for everyone sequel to this book
Thank you so much, I am glad it is this helpful for you. Sounds like you do interesting work. The advanced book may take some time but so we’ll see.
Congratulations on an interesting and useful addition to the R literature. I have had it only a few days and already have learned quite a bit from it. Well done.
There are a few hints that perhaps a bit more editing might be, er, useful.
The version of the “useful” package on CRAN, for example, does not have the build.x() function in it which you use in the book, e.g. p. 275.
The example of an S3 generic on p. 377 is interesting. Oops! Perhaps you should have used base::print explicitly.
I found it interesting both for what you included, (e.g. glmnet), and what you left out.
Thank you and I am glad you are enjoying the book.
The old version of useful on CRAN is strange, I thought I updated it but apparently it didn’t go through. So I just re-uploaded version 1.1.8 and you should see it on CRAN in the next day or so.
Thank you for noticing the S3 print issue, was probably a namespace issue with knitr that I for some reason didn’t catch.
Glad you liked the glmnet example. Please share ideas for topics you think would be good for future editions.
Jared,I’m a reader from China,learning R from your book “R for everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics”(pearson press/China Machine Press).But what I puzzled is that how to get the data source for learning.
All of the data used is available at