So far this year I have logged many miles in the air and on the rails. In between trips to Minneapolis and Boston I spent about a month traveling through India and Southeast Asia, mainly to conduct R courses in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for the likes of Intel, Micron, Celcom, Maxis, DBS and other similar companies. The training courses were organized through Revolution Analytics’ Singapore office. Given the success of the classes, there will be more opportunities this spring or summer in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and also in Australia.
Day 5 – High Performance Computing with R
- Benchmarking code using microbenchmark
- The different speeds of various aggregation functions
- Fast manipulation using dplyr
- Running dplyr commands in a database
- Parallel Code
- Integrating C++
Given my extensive time abroad I thought it would be good to look at it all on a map using the Leaflet package in R.
Using the Google Maps API we can look up the latitude and longitude of the visited cities.
cities <- c('Hong Kong', 'Haripal, India', 'Kolkata, India', 'Jaipur, India', 'Agra, India', 'Delhi, India',
'Singapore', 'Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia', 'Geroge Town, Malaysia')
lat.long <- function(place)
theURL <- sprintf('', place)
doc <- xmlToList(theURL)
data.frame(Place=place, Latitude=as.numeric(doc$result$geometry$location$lat), Longitude=as.numeric(doc$result$geometry$location$lng), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
places <- adply(cities, 1, lat.long)
knitr::kable(places[, -1], digits=3, row.names=FALSE)
Hong Kong |
22.396 |
114.109 |
Haripal, India |
22.817 |
88.105 |
Kolkata, India |
22.573 |
88.364 |
Jaipur, India |
26.912 |
75.787 |
Agra, India |
27.177 |
78.008 |
Delhi, India |
28.614 |
77.209 |
Singapore |
1.352 |
103.820 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
3.139 |
101.687 |
Geroge Town, Malaysia |
5.415 |
100.330 |
Now that we have the coordinates we use Leaflet to plot them.
leaflet(data=places) %>% addTiles() %>% setView(90, 15, zoom=4) %>% addPopups(lng=~Longitude, lat=~Latitude, popup=~Place) %>% addPolylines(~Longitude, ~Latitude, data=places[c(1, 3, 2:9, 1), ]) %>% addMarkers(lng=~Longitude, lat=~Latitude, popup=~Place, icon=JS("L.icon({iconUrl: '', iconSize: [20, 20]})"))
Calculating all the miles traveled could be as simple as looking it up on TripIt, or we could do some quick Haversine distance calculations with the geosphere package.
First, we get the coordinates for New York, Minneapolis and Boston to have a complete picture of the distance.
newCities <- adply(c('New York, NY', 'Minneapolis, MN', 'Boston, MA'), 1, lat.long)
allPlaces <- rbind(newCities[c(1, 2, 1), ], places[c(1, 3, 2:9, 1), ], newCities[c(1, 3, 1), ])
Then in order to use distHaversine
we need to set up a to and from relationship between the places. The easiest way will be to just shift the columns.
## Loading required package: ggplot2
shiftedPlaces <- shift.column(data=allPlaces, columns=names(places)[-1], newNames=c('To', 'Lat2', 'Long2'))
Now we can calculate the distance. This assumes that all trips followed a great circle, which might not be the case, especially for the car and rail portions of the trip.
## Loading required package: sp
shiftedPlaces$Distance <- distHaversine(shiftedPlaces[, c("Longitude", "Latitude")], shiftedPlaces[, c("Long2", "Lat2")], r=3959)
In total this led to 25,727 miles traveled.
knitr::kable(shiftedPlaces[, -1], digits=c(1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 0), row.names=FALSE)
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
Minneapolis, MN |
44.978 |
-93.265 |
1016 |
Minneapolis, MN |
44.978 |
-93.265 |
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
1016 |
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
Hong Kong |
22.396 |
114.109 |
8046 |
Hong Kong |
22.396 |
114.109 |
Kolkata, India |
22.573 |
88.364 |
1642 |
Kolkata, India |
22.573 |
88.364 |
Haripal, India |
22.817 |
88.105 |
24 |
Haripal, India |
22.817 |
88.105 |
Kolkata, India |
22.573 |
88.364 |
24 |
Kolkata, India |
22.573 |
88.364 |
Jaipur, India |
26.912 |
75.787 |
844 |
Jaipur, India |
26.912 |
75.787 |
Agra, India |
27.177 |
78.008 |
138 |
Agra, India |
27.177 |
78.008 |
Delhi, India |
28.614 |
77.209 |
111 |
Delhi, India |
28.614 |
77.209 |
Singapore |
1.352 |
103.820 |
2574 |
Singapore |
1.352 |
103.820 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
3.139 |
101.687 |
192 |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
3.139 |
101.687 |
Geroge Town, Malaysia |
5.415 |
100.330 |
183 |
Geroge Town, Malaysia |
5.415 |
100.330 |
Hong Kong |
22.396 |
114.109 |
1491 |
Hong Kong |
22.396 |
114.109 |
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
8046 |
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
Boston, MA |
42.360 |
-71.059 |
190 |
Boston, MA |
42.360 |
-71.059 |
New York, NY |
40.713 |
-74.006 |
190 |
leaflet(data=allPlaces) %>% addTiles() %>% setView(80, 20, zoom = 3) %>% addPolylines(~Longitude, ~Latitude) %>% addMarkers(lng=~Longitude, lat=~Latitude, popup=~Place, icon=JS("L.icon({
iconUrl: '', iconSize: [20, 20]})"))